EP100 Pledge: Powering a Sustainable Future

EP100 Pledge: Powering a Sustainable Future
EP100 is an international corporate initiative participated in by companies with the goal of doubling the energy productivity of their operations (e.g., improving energy efficiency by 50%).
It aims at accomplishing more than reducing consumed power and seeks more fundamental measures to reduce energy consumption such as using energy in a more efficient manner than currently.

Background and Objective of OMRON Healthcare’s Participation in EP100
Reduce energy consumption
Working to achieve a zero-carbon society is seeing global acceleration. Based on the OMRON Group’s long-term vision, “Shaping the Future 2030,” OMRON Healthcare actively promotes environmental management in step with us meeting challenges to reduce the environmental impact of our operations with a focus on improving energy productivity.
Our first step toward this objective spotlights the Matsusaka Office, OMRON Healthcare’s sole production facility in Japan, which produces home-use blood pressure monitors and thermometers. Keeping pace with the latest decarbonization trends, the Matsusaka Office is aiming to become a model facility for environmentally responsible manufacturing. It is building a production environment capable of doubling production volume while simultaneously reducing energy consumed. Continuously supporting customers’ health and wellness through products from an environmentally responsible factory such as this is how we help realize a sustainable society.
Our Future Initiatives
Create clean energy, absorb remaining CO2
Improving energy productivity is not the only challenge we’re aiming at. We visualize the amount of energy consumed at the Manufacturing Office and on each production line so we can evaluate the potential for energy reduction as we target energy consumption reduction. Efforts will also assist clean energy creation through solar/biomass power generation and battery energy storage system implementation.
In addition, in a spirit of “coexistence and coprosperity with local communities”, we will collaborate with Mie prefectural and Matsusaka municipal governments regarding forest thinning and reforestation projects to support forest health as we seek to reduce CO2 emissions by effectively using forest resources to generate renewable energy. These three steps are what we will take to build a carbon-neutral resource-circulating society.

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