Distance-reducing initiative
Logistics Reformation

Distance-reducing initiative
Logistics Reformation
Reforming logistics cuts transportation distances
The Matsusaka Office is committed to reforming logistics for parts procurement. Sources for procuring parts have been shifted from overseas to Japan, resulting in shorter transportation distances. In addition, in-facility parts and material transportation rerouting assists in improving energy productivity.

Parts procurement source shift from overseas to Japan. Cutting transportation distances.

Parts procurement source shift from overseas to Japan. Cutting transportation distances.
Slashing excess inventory cuts storage cost
Inventory-reducing initiative
Previously, procuring parts required significant workforce and time, leading to a location needed for storing excess stock. The logistics reform eased parts procurement and eliminated the need for extra storage space allowing greater energy productivity.

Excess inventory storage formerly needed. Logistics reform eased parts procurement so extra storage space is unnecessary.

Excess inventory storage formerly needed. Logistics reform eased parts procurement so extra storage space is unnecessary.
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