Connected Health
Making healthcare convenient
Monitor your health more easily than ever with our connected mobile apps. Because if you can measure it, you can manage it.
Connected Health
Making healthcare convenient
Monitor your health more easily than ever with our connected mobile apps. Because if you can measure it, you can manage it.
Access your health anywhere, anytime
Stay connected, stay healthy. With our mobile apps, you can take charge of your health, connect with your doctor, and take action when needed.
Caring for your health made easier
Transfer readings from health devices to your smartphone with a simple, guided process. Manage your own health records or those of your loved ones.

View your health status at a glance
Gather and store your health data effectively and intuitively. Track your miles, calories burned, sleep cycles and more with our connected health apps. Review and analyze the trends in your health data, empowering you to take action towards a healthier lifestyle.
Stay in sync with your health
Your health data is key to your wellbeing. OMRON apps will help you measure your status, understand it, connect with your doctor when needed, take action, and feel better.