Press Release
National Award for Greenery Factory
Matsusaka Factory won "National Award for Greenery Factory" for contributing to Regional Greening by Planting Native Tree Species Representative of Local “Satoyama” Woodland

Press Release
National Award for Greenery Factory
Matsusaka Factory won "National Award for Greenery Factory" for contributing to Regional Greening by Planting Native Tree Species Representative of Local “Satoyama” Woodland
OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd.* today announced that the Matsusaka Factory**, the company’s production site in Japan, received the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center Chairman’s Award in the 2021 Factory Greening Award Program (commonly called the “National Award for Greenery Factory”).
This annual award program was established in 1982 by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and is aimed at promoting the greening of factories, recognizing the efforts of those factories, groups and individuals actively committed to promoting greening and achieving remarkable improvements to the environment both within and without their facilities.

The Matsusaka Factory is the only OMRON Healthcare production facility in Japan that produces home-use blood pressure monitors and thermometers.
The factory also functions as the strategic production center for OMRON Healthcare’s global production system, being an exemplary model for advanced operations centered around automated production, as well as for developing cutting-edge production technologies. In March 2020, a new complex building equipped with an automated production line for thermometers destined for the domestic market was completed. The new building complex also houses a dedicated call center and various employee welfare facilities including a dining room. The completion coincided with providing green spaces for the surrounding areas and also for the roof of the building. Being selected for the prestigious Chairman’s Award was because the Ministry highly evaluated the positive impact of the greening effort inside and outside the factory premises, and the overall environment improvement promoted in collaboration with the local community. In addition, special recognition went to the green areas mainly along the border of the factory premises, and the selection of trees native to the region’s “satoyama” woodland that were planted.
In accordance with the OMRON Group Environmental Policy, we will continue to promote environmentally responsible business activities and meet the challenge of building a sustainable society through contributing to the local environment and the appropriate disclosure of environmental information.
Matsusaka Factory’s greening activities are designed to enhance the comfort and wellbeing of residents by blending harmoniously with the region’s living environment and to also help employee mind wellness. Together with the new building completion in March 2020, the green areas were greatly expanded. The overall design aimed to offer a local beauty spot and to serve as a place for communication with local citizens. Cherry blossom trees were planted along the border of the factory premises and a walking path was laid, opening the area to residents.
* Head Office: Muko City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan; President & CEO: Isao Ogino
** In Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture