Blog – Respiratory Care
Treating asthma with a Nebulizer
How to prevent and manage severe asthma with the help of a Nebulizer?
(published on: 20 October, 2020)

Blog – Respiratory Care
Treating asthma with a Nebulizer
How to prevent and manage severe asthma with the help of a Nebulizer?
(published on: 20 October, 2020)
How To Prevent And Manage Severe Asthma With The Help Of A Nebulizer?
As the air pollution is increasing, there are more people worldwide suffering from asthma.
With the onset of pollution in most countries and regions, asthma has become one of the most common respiratory ailments in the world. According to an estimate by the WHO, approximately 339 million people suffer from this condition, and the number only increases every year.
Asthma is a respiratory condition wherein the patient's airway gets inflamed and constricted. It produces more mucus, which further blocks the airway making it difficult to breathe.
Based on the trigger and the pattern, this condition can be further classified into nine categories:
• Adult-Onset
• Allergic
• Non-Allergic
• Exercise-Induced
• Occupational
• Nocturnal
• Eosinophilic
• Cough-Variant
This can be further broken down into several types based on the severity level as:
Mild and Sporadic: Mild symptoms usually when exposed to some trigger. It can occur once or twice in a month and can last for not more than two days.
Mild and Persistent: If your symptoms last for more than a week, then your asthma falls in this category.
Moderate and Persistent: If the symptoms are more persistent (symptoms occurring almost every day) and more pronounced, then you may fall in this category.
Chronic and Persistent: If the symptoms are extremely severe and profound almost every day, then you are suffering from chronic asthma.
Your management technique and treatment options would be predominantly based on the severity of your condition, your age, and the frequency of episodes. It would be best if you got medical consultation at the onset of the condition to minimize complications and manage it more effectively.
According to WHO, asthma is one of the most under-diagnosed and under-treated ailments globally. Most of those who get medical consultation often do so when the symptoms become severe and frequent.
Here are a few symptoms that can help you identify the onset of asthma and get immediate medical intervention:
• Shortness of breath
• Tightening sensation in the chest and pain
• Wheezing or whistling sound during respiration
• Gasping sensation after some physical activity
• Coughing
• Constant sleeplessness after every episode of coughing and strain
• Fatigue and reduced activity levels
• Excessive mucous that seems to block the airway
The intensity of the symptoms mentioned above would depend on how severe your condition is. Severe asthma can have an irreversible impact on your respiratory system. During and after every asthmatic attack, the patient's airway linings tend to become inflamed and swollen. This can lead to a permanent narrowing of the lining in the long run if left untreated. It can also result in a worsening of the condition leading to a more complicated chronic case of asthma.
Treating Severe Asthma
If left untreated or undiagnosed, your body would not respond well to asthma treatment and medicine, leading to chronic symptoms that are difficult to manage.
In case of untreated asthma, the affected person would have persistent symptoms throughout the day that sometimes worsen at night. In such cases, it is extremely important to identify the triggers and avoiding them completely. Your medical practitioner would analyze your condition and prescribe you corticosteroids that can be inhaled using a nebulizer.
While there are oral medications and other treatment options available to treat severe asthma, nebulizers are considered the best treatment option available. This is because the oral medication (tablets or syrup) takes a longer time to take effect, and the nebulizer directly sends the medication as vapors to the bronchi.
Also, the inhaled corticosteroid dosages are significantly lesser than the oral and injected variants. This means that a person can expect a quicker response for a far lesser dosage by using a nebulizer. Your medical practitioner would advise you to invest in a nebulizer that can produce tiny aerosol particles with a virtual valve technology to minimize medicine wastage.
Treatment Options Available
There are various treatment options available to manage asthma effectively.
While there is no definite cure for asthma, people suffering from this ailment can keep it in check through suitable management techniques and by refraining from any potential triggers.
1. Medications
Depending on the severity, your doctor might prescribe you oral or injectable medication in addition to inhalable medication. You may have to carry a nebulizing kit with you every time you expose yourself to potential triggers or are traveling.
2. Lifestyle Changes
Asthmatic patients should seriously reconsider their lifestyle to suit their ailment. Following a healthy dietary pattern that includes a lot of vitamin D rich food, beta-carotene, and magnesium can help manage asthma better. Such people should avoid caffeine and smoking altogether.
While they can't take part in strenuous physical activity, it is advisable to inculcate breathing exercises and light physical activity in their everyday routine to stay fit and in shape. Keeping your house and your surroundings free of allergens and dust can help manage this condition effectively.
3. Alternative Treatment
Many other alternative treatment options can be practiced alongside the medications. However, this must be done with the knowledge of your medical practitioner and on the supervision of a certified expert. Naturopathy (Ayurveda), Homeopathy, Yoga, and distressing techniques can help you a great extent in managing the triggers and building your overall immunity towards the potential triggers.
However, it would be best if you had an open mind and a lot of patience to see some positive effects of these alternative treatment methods. For people suffering from chronic asthma, inhaled nebulization can give instant relief by opening up the bronchial tract.
Prevention and Management
Here is an action plan that can help you manage severe asthma effectively:
• Avoid/reduce exposure to bad air
• Carry your nebulizer with you at all times in case of any sudden asthmatic attacks
• Track symptoms and take proper medications
• Not skipping vaccinations
• Quit smoking and other triggers
• Keep your mask on whenever outside
• Take precautions wherever possible
If you have chronic asthma, it is extremely important to monitor and keep track of your body at all times.
Take asthma treatment seriously, consult your doctor and ask for help immediately if needed.
Since there is no cure for asthma, patients need to adhere to their medications and lifestyle changes stringently to see positive changes. It makes sense to know the root cause and avoiding it at all costs to minimize unwanted flare-ups. Consult your doctor regularly and know when to seek immediate intervention to avoid complications.